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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Welcome to the VCS Global Competence Blog!

Welcome to the VCS Global Competence Blog! Please post your questions here and a member of the Global Competence Committee will respond.


  1. A GC candidate was asking whether Gemini Spanish qualifies as “Foreign Language 4” experience. YES, it does.
    (Mrs. Karen Wagner)

  2. Thank you, Mrs. Wagner!

  3. Another question from a GC candidate was how to "demonstrate involvement" in the International Club. Mrs. Reyes and Mrs. Richelsen replied to that question as follows:

    "Active involvement includes asking questions during exchange student’s presentations. Sharing American culture or their own cultural background with them and everyone during our meetings.

    Most of our meetings involved a craft (Christmas cookie decoration, valentines for teacher in different languages, etc)or a video. Being engaged, asking questions and volunteering their thoughts and opinions are good ways to stay involved."

    -Mrs. Wagner
